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Board of Finance Minutes 11/24/2008
November 24, 2008


Chairman Harrison called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. in the Avon Room at the Avon Town Hall.  Members present:  Margaret Bratton, Catherine Durdan, William Hooper, Brett Eisenlohr, James Speich, and Tom Harrison.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Eisenlohr.


There were none.

On a motion by Ms. Durdan, seconded by Ms. Bratton, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance approve the minutes of October 27, 2008, as written.
Messrs. Harrison, and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  Messrs. Speich, Hooper and Eisenlohr abstained.


There was none.


        08/09-04        Supplemental Appropriation:  Youth Services Bureau Grant, $20,250

Ms. Robinson stated that there are two separate grants from the State.
Ms. Bratton questioned if this was an annual grant.  Ms. Robinson stated that this is the second year that Avon has received this grant and expects that it will be a grant every year.  
On a motion by Mr. Hooper, seconded by Mr. Speich, it was voted:
RESOLVED;  That the Board of Finance hereby amends the FY 08/09 Budget by increasing:
General Fund, Intergovernmental, youth Services Bureau Grant, Account #01-0330-43383 in the amount of $20,250.00, and increasing
General Fund, Human Services, Service & Consultant, Account #01-4203-52184 in the amount of $20,250.00 for the purpose of funding expenditures, which will be reimbursed through approved State of Connecticut Department of Education Youth Service Bureau Grants.
Messrs. Harrison, Eisenlohr, Speich and Hooper, and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.

08/09-05        Supplemental Appropriation:  Administrative Services Study Committee, $45,000
Ms. Robinson stated that there have been discussions with Matrix in order to understand their schedule.  The Town would like to get started as soon as possible.  If there are any findings that would be helpful to the budget process, there would be time to get this done.  She stated that Matrix should be starting by mid-December.  
Ms. Robinson stated that this study would be looking at these three areas:  finance, human resources and facilities management.  She stated that these were chosen by the Committee because they are responsibilities that are performed by both the Town and the Board of Education.  The overall goal is to find more economical ways of doing things.  
Regarding the perception of the public, Ms. Bratton stated her concerns that the public may expect big results from this study.  She stated that she was surprised to see that the study was non-educational in nature.  She questioned why the shared responsibilities are only being looked at.  Ms. Robinson stated that the first part of this process was to decide what areas to focus on.  If the study is to include more areas, the study would cost more.
Ms. Robinson stated that the Committee will get a copy of the draft report for their review before the final report is received.  They can then decide what appropriate changes might be necessary and how to go about them.  
Ms. Durdan questioned if Matrix has done this type of review before.  Ms. Robinson stated that Matrix has done this type of work before.  They did submit sample reports for the Committee’s review.  The Committee found their report more useful to Avon’s needs than the other firm’s sample reports.  Matrix was also slightly less expensive than the other firm.  
On a motion by Mr. Speich, seconded by Mr. Eisenlohr, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance hereby appropriates a sum not to exceed $45,000 from General Fund, Other Financing Sources, Undesignated Fund Balance, Account #01-0390-43913 to General Fund, Town Council, Service & Consultant, Account #01-1101-52184 for the purpose of hiring a Management Consulting Firm.
This is to certify that there are sufficient Undesignated Fund Balance resources to finance the following appropriation:
The sum of $45,000 from the Town’s Undesignated Fund Balance from the Account #01-0390-43913 General Fund, Other Financing Sources, Undesignated Fund Balance.
Messrs. Harrison, Eisenlohr, Speich and Hooper, and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.

        08/09-06        Review and Discussion:  Avon Middle School Roof and Town Clerk’s Vault

Ms. Robinson stated that the Town Council met on November 10th and approved both the Avon Middle School roof and Town Clerk’s vault projects.  The vault project will be costing $875,000, which is a little higher than the estimate last year.

Regarding Secret Lake Road, Ms. Robinson stated that this project will be delayed until FY 10/11 because of the design and legal work.

Ms. Robinson stated that there will be a mailer going out to the voters prior to the January 8, 2009 regular Town Council meeting and the special meeting of the Board of Finance to set the date for the Town Meeting.  She asked for input from the Board of Finance members regarding the mailer.  The mailer will cover the roof project and the vault; these will be separate questions.  

Ms. Robinson stated that the full amount for the vault will be shown on the mailer.  If the reimbursement for this project is not received, authorization is needed for the full amount, although they could include the estimated cost.  The cost for these projects combined is almost $4.5 million.

Mr. Eisenlohr questioned why an RFP was not sent out on these projects.  Ms. Robinson stated that Kaestle Boos Architects have done a number of projects in Town.  An RFP was sent out for other roof projects within the past few years.  She stated that Kaestle Boos was picked because of their qualifications and because their prices were the most competitive.  Ms. Robinson stated that they have also had discussions with Kaestle Boos to make sure that they have had experience with solar roofs.  She stated that this project will go out to bid in late April or May.

There was some discussion by the Board of Finance regarding if they should make the roof and vault projects one or two separate questions.  Chairman Harrison asked that if any member of the Board had an opinion regarding this issue, to e-mail him.  If there is a consensus on the Board one way or another, the Board of Finance could address the Town Council.  

        08/09-07        Review and Discussion:  FY 09/10 Budget

Chairman Harrison stated that the Board of Finance will be faced with the question if they should consider a guideline for the Board of Education and the Town Council.  

In response to a question by Mr. Speich regarding revenues, Ms. Robinson stated that tax collection is on track, although building permits, conveyance revenue and library fines are down.  Ms. Colligan stated that because of the late budget, on June 26, the money that the Town would normally get in the middle of May has been invested.  That money was lost.  The interest rates also dropped in September and October, so the Town is looking at a shortfall there.

Chairman Harrison stated that he does not want the budget process to start off with unreasonably high requests.  He stated that they changed their approach last year.  He questioned if their approach this year should be on a spending increase guideline or a combined tax increase guideline and what they might set it at.  

Chairman Harrison stated that they will discuss this issue and possibly set a guideline at the December meeting.


There was none.


There was no need for Executive Session.


On a motion by Mr. Harrison, seconded by Mr. Eisenlohr, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance adjourn at 8:30 p.m. out of respect for Bud Herman, the previous Chairman of the Board of Finance, who recently passed away.  
Messrs. Harrison, Eisenlohr, Speich and Hooper, and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.

                                                Respectfully submitted,
                                                Thomas A. Gugliotti, Secretary

Attest:  Alison Sturgeon, Clerk